Monday, April 3, 2017

Miss Firecracker 2014~ Revelin' Vixen's Birthday

Just like a newborn child, you have no idea what the world around you is going to be. I have never competed in any pageants before. So right away you assume the prettiest girl is gonna win and the girls are gong to be caddy to each other. That's not the case when it come to Pin Up Pageants, i would had never expected so much support from the veteran girls. Even the organizer, Valvza Floatin', was always cheering me on. She had given so many tips and suggestions, she really made it easier to compete and walk across the stage. She was actually the person pushing me to compete, knowing how much i needed the support and growth. I would say she is my Pin Up mom.

My first group of Ladies. Many i am very close with now. 

September 6th, 2014:

Entrance photo:  I had no clear clue what i was doing. I didn't even have proper attire.

Competition Time:

Every contest is a little different. Miss Firecracker Consist of three rounds.
  1.  Introductions are Read and each girl strikes three poses (Count to 10
  2.  Top 10 ten ladies are asked Questions (Given to you a month in advance)
  3. Top Three Women are asked their final Question; "Why should you be Miss Firecracker?"

I busted a zipper, if that doesn't send your nerves on high alert.

Needless to say, i didn't place or even make it to the top 10. Before i even left for the day  i knew i was hooked.

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